There are little faces observing every move of this female graphic artist while she is in her home office. There was nothing particularly vibrant and joyful about her work at home Christian James Jersey , which involved handling form designs and creating ads and coupons. Outside, she is observed by four dogs and four cats.
The career of this woman took a different turn when she saw the faces. As she was making her way to Texas to see her parents, she decided to paint the images of her animals on canvas. The colors used in the portrait of the animal are colors she feels reflect thea animal’s personality.
Getting their essence is what she wants to achieve. I can use different colors to paint the animal and project its personality. In Mississippi, she painted a mixed breed Chris Giles Jersey , which was her first painting. It was a red dog, and it never left them.
Because her dog was jealous, she decided to pain him green. This artist may be using nonconventional colors, but she’s not the first one. Inspired by his dog who had already passed away C.J. Cole Jersey , a cajun artist painted a dog using the color blue.
The blue dog stands out in her paintings like a stamp on an envelope. People view these blue paintings as fanciful, but the artist views it as haunting. Most of the paintings he made, though funny looking, were actually done with a deep spiritual basis in mind. The dog stares at us and asks us the same questions humankind has been asking since our existence.
She wants her art to reflect an animal’s life force. She selects colors that are vibrant and odd patterns to capture how they act. All the animals she adopted were either from a shelter or were wandering in the streets. The newest dog she adopted was one who wandered from house to house.
She began marketing herself a pet portrait painter by going to local vets and leaving fliers. Her clients should give her photos of the animals and also a description of the personality of the animal Buddy Heild Jersey , she explains. She said she’d pick the colors once she understands the animal. There is a sense of satisfaction that customers get from her portraits that they don’t get from other portraits, said the owner.
Bright yellow paint used on her portrait perfectly portrayed her energy. An art gallery owner stresses that even whimsical portraits have this way of capturing people who know the subjects. You can look at a portrait, but it’s possible you wouldn’t appreciate the artistic element of it.
While this female graphic artist does her work, little faces observe her every move. A lot of the time at her home is spent on form designs Brady Manek Jersey , print ads, and coupons. Watching her every move are her eight pets, four dogs and four cats.
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Your A+ Clients Generate More... Marketing Articles | July 13, 2003 I was waiting to pick up my car at my local auto ... garage when I ... an ... ... The owner of the garage abruptly pulled a sales person aside and without ... I wa
I was waiting to pick up my car at my local auto mechanic?s garage when I overheard an interesting conversation. The owner of the garage abruptly pulled a sales person aside and without realizing I was within earshot Blake Griffin Jersey , said to the sales person:
?That woman over there is NOT one of our A+ customers! But the blonde is?take care of her.?
Since I was the only blonde in the place, I was relieved to be considered the A+ customer! From that moment on, the service I received was impeccable.
Now, how did I attain that rating Oklahoma Sooners Jersey , A+ customer? I?m not sure I could tell you. But I can tell you that major corporations rate their customers all the time. So do small businesses.
I bet you do, too. Even if you rate your clients on an informal basis, you?re doing it, in the recesses of your mind Tyler Barnes Jersey , silently. Because you KNOW who your best clients are.
The Pareto Principle operates here: 80% of your results comes from 20% of your clients. So, what makes up the top 20% of your clients, the A+ group?
Is your top 20% comprised of clients who generate the most revenue for you? Some people would say 'yes'. I don?t think so.
I think results come in different forms. Revenue is one measure. There are additional measures.
I think your top 20% gives you MORE. They do more for you, assuming they meet your criteria for your ideal client.
Your ideal client represents your niche market. Once you're clear on your ideal client Tevin Mack Jersey , you'll be able to market your services to the right people. Marketing to the right people always gives your MORE.
Michael E. Gerber addresses this issue well in "The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to do About It", available at Amazon and offline bookstores.
David Steele actually helps you work through and define your ideal client and your niche market in a practical way you can immediately apply to your practice. To define your ideal client and niche market, see his downloadable book "Build Your Practice In 90 Days" at: http:www.1shoppingcartappaftrack.asp?afid=43164
Your A+ clients, your top 20% give you MORE because they:
TALK ABOUT YOU and your services which results in:
*Referrals to individuals who can be new clients.
*Referrals to individuals they think you should know and who should know you.
*Referrals to associations and organizations they think you should speak to.
*Referrals to companies that could use your services.