It’s a ground rule of sorts. When filmmakers feature animals or birds, permissions have to obtained from the Animal Welfare Board of India. But now even digital images of birds have come under the scanner.
So, Ajay Devgan had to fly to Delhi recently to sort out the non-issue vis-à-vis about-to-be released U Me aur Hum.
The film features pigeons in scenes shot aboard a cruise line—but these are not live pigeons, they have been created by digital animation.
Wing trouble
Maneka Gandhi, founder of People for Animals, reportedly had a problem with the scene. According to a source, the pigeons are so perfectly created that they don’t look digitally generated.
The authorities felt that real birds were used and asked if permissions had been obtained. Devgan, in Delhi, patiently explained the use of digital graphics in the movie. After the okay from Delhi, Devgan has had the film censored.
On Saturday evening, a special screening was held for L K Advani and Ravi Shankar Prasad. BJP leaders reportedly wanted to see the film and Devgan couldn’t refuse.
Also joining him at the screening were Kajol, Divya Dutta and cinematographer Aseem Bajaj.
- Ajay wurde nach Delhi beordert – die Zensurbehörde hatte Probleme mit den Tauben, die man in seinem Film fliegen sieht. Sie wurden digital im Computer erstellt, aber so naturgetreu und überzeugend gut gemacht, dass Ajay Devgan selbst nach Delhi fliegen und die Herstellung der digitalen Vögel erklären musste. Danach kam dann endlich das O.K. der Behörde, und Ajay hat seinen Film somit durch die Zensur gebracht. Am Samstag Abend wollten L.K. Advani und Ravi Shakar Prasad (führende Personen der BJP) den Film unbedingt ansehen, was Ajay ihnen nicht abschlagen konnte. Unter den Zuschauern waren außerdem noch Kajol, Divya Dutta und Kameramann Aseem Bajaj
Saturday, April 5, 2008 Anupama Chopra, Consulting Editor, Films
Kajol is hyper selective about her roles and maintains a strict distance from the media.
Anupama Chopra, Consulting Editor, Films, spoke to the talented actress about U, Me Aur Hum, her honesty to the craft and marriage.
Anupama Chopra: You have always been most successful and sort of candy floss romances where as Ajay is more successful, work has been slightly more gritty realistic films. So was there ever a clash of the two schools while you were making this movie or did he just convert to candy floss?
Kajol: I don't think it was a conversion exactly to candy floss but the film that we had written was very very commercial we haven't tried to make an Ardh Satya or something like that, it is not meant to be in that genre of film at all. It's a commercial, good-looking film so we have been able to infuse some emotion into that as well.
Anupama Chopra: But you never had to tell him that make it more romantic or make it more commercial. His instincts are not naturally towards these?
Kajol: I don't know what his instincts are towards but fortunately he is a good enough director, the script that he has written he was able to put it on film exactly the way it was written and the way we imagined it if not better!
Anupama Chopra: You said in an interview that you always choose characters that you can identify with so in a sense you are portraying who you are on screen?
Kajol - Always!!
Anupama Chopra: Really?
Kajol: Always! Because I feel that every character that you do it has to be some part of you. Yes! It is a magnified part given cinematic liberty to make that part of you bigger but it has to be a part of you, otherwise I don't think that you could ever convince the camera that you aren't lying.
Anupama Chopra: You have always maintained a distance with the press, you have been very guarded about your personal life...but in the last couple of weeks there are pictures of you and Ajay playing Holi, daughter was at the music function, you are judging a music reality show with your mom and your husband. There was a column that suggested that you are actually marketing your personal life to market a film, what is your response to that?
Kajol: You know the fact that we have been away from the media so far has been because we had nothing to say. I mean I haven't done a film for two years so I mean the fact that I am sitting in front of you and talking about it is because I have a film coming up on release as well and yes part of it is true. Yes, we are doing a lot more interviews but as far as our personal life is concerned that has nothing to do with it.
Anupama Chopra: When Kiran Desai won the Booker prize she told a journalist that good writing doesn't come from winning prizes and being happy it comes from doubt, it comes from a difficult space, so does good acting comes from a difficult space to you?
Kajol: I think good acting comes from honesty, I really thinks so. I think that you can never lie to the camera, you can try and convince the camera but at the end of the day you have to believe in each and everything you do in front of the camera otherwise it doesn't work and honesty is difficult.
Anupama Chopra: So, you have to be honest to the intentions in front of the camera?
Kajol: Yes! Definitely, in that moment you have to believe that whatever you are saying is the complete and absolute truth.
Anupama Chopra: It's not that you have to be an honest person per say?
Kajol: No, at that point of time you have to believe in it completely.
Anupama Chopra: Because otherwise bad actors would be dishonest??
Kajol: Damn!! .....I think it's like, you know you won't be able to see the magic if you don't believe in it.
Anupama Chopra: You are considered one of the best actors of your generation and yet you have always maintained that you are not driven by acting. You said in interviews that if I never did another film again I wouldn't miss it. Do you think this sort of inherent contradiction actually makes you a better actor because you are attached but also detached?
Kajol: I wouldn't say I am detached because when I am working I am 300 per cent there and I am all for it and I am definitely very much into it when I am working. But when I am not working I feel that there has to be a balance you cannot be so obsessed with anything. I think obsession of any kind is just bad for health. When I was doing four films a year, by the second or third year I had stopped enjoying it so much and that's when I realised and I said you know it's time to back off here before I get completely burnt out. So, whenever I do it it's a joy and it's a pleasure.
Anupama Chopra: And in the same interview you said I could stop acting but I could never stop knitting or reading !!
Kajol: Yes! I can never stop doing that. I feel that's part of my personality like I keep three knitting projects around the place, one is in my room, one is upstairs in the den and one is downstairs in the car. So wherever I am I have one ongoing project and I love it. I need to do something with my hands its like therapeutic for me.
Anupama Chopra: So you are the World's only film star who prefers knitting to acting??
Kajol: Not really! ...I think Julia Roberts was there as well with me..but ya, I would say that i am the only one who prefers knitting to acting.
Anupama Chopra: I had interviewed you just a few months after your marriage and you had said to me that I am not the stereotypical wife and I won't do the stereotypical things because then we will have a stereotypical marriage and I don't want that. So did you manage to not have the stereotypical marriage?
Kajol: I think once again I have struck a balance between a stereotypical marriage and a new age modern marriage. I wouldn't call it modern but yes! Everybody has to make their own compromises and everybody has to find their own way of working a marriage. My family is my priority about my marriage.
Anupama Chopra: Nine years into your marriage what do you think is key to actually nurturing a marriage in the Bollywood circus?
Kajol: I don't know whether there is a key to anything..any relationship i can't say any particular thing that i do...whenever i pick up cosmopolitan and vogue they are like you know 10 things that you can do to save your marriage or 10 things that you can do to make things better or 10 key things to can do to and I could never figure it out. I think how come I don't have all these secret recipes and I think I am pretty okay. So, if you ask me, you just have to trust the person opposite you to want to be there as much as you do. You really need to talk to each other a lot about everything, most of your doubts and most of your problems, half of them are imagined because you know the minute you talk about something I feel you have a doubt oh did he do this didn't he do this, if you say it out loud you know how stupid it sounds and it minimises the problem automatically.
Anupama Chopra: When you were 13 your mom said to you that she was never going to raise her hand on you again and she was going to make you responsible. She said she was going to treat you as an adult and from that day you said that I am an adult and I am responsible for my actions and responsible for the consequences. Do you see yourself doing that with your daughter?
Kajol: I hope so! I really hope so.
Anupama Chopra: Doesn't it take a lot of courage to do it?
Kajol: I think it was superb of her and I think it was humungously big and it takes a lot of courage to do that with your children because I don't think that you can ever stop looking at your children as children. For a parent to say that ok now you are an adult to me I think it's the biggest compliment that you can give your child.
Anupama Chopra: But you know Karan Johar had said to me that people who come from outside the industry people like Mr Bachchan or Shahrukh will always work harder and be better behaved than second generation industry kids because they don't take all of this for granted but as a third generation industry royalty what is your response?
Kajol - I agree with him upto a point i do take it for granted but i take it for granted because of the fact that I feel I never worked towards it in the first place. I mean it was never my aim to become an actress just because my mother was an actress in fact that was what I actively avoided because I was like Oh! God its too unstable a profession, what if i fail! and I didn't want to fail at such a public arena. I was always like I will do it for a little while but you look at a Hrithik today and I think he works harder than anybody else and he is second generation. So when you talking about that I don't whether he takes it for granted, I have never seen him taking it for granted at least and I haven't seen him badly behaved either.
Anupama Chopra: And did you always worked very hard? Kajol: I have always worked very hard but I think I would have worked very hard at whatever I did whether it was acting or whether it was something else i would have worked hard basically I am a coolly mentality according to my mother. I need to work hard my body and my mind they flourish when I am working very hard. Anupama Chopra: What do you do when you take this long breaks between projects?
Kajol: I work at other things.
Anupama Chopra: Like what?
Kajol - I really enjoy my work outs so that's my big thing and I read a lot, I read read read!! i work at my relationships i spent time with my family, I spend time with my baby now ... that's really big for me. I wanna do things with her I want to take her to places and things like that.
Anupama Chopra: This whole world which has amplified, you know Bollywood is now global presence since you came in many years ago, its become a bigger brand name, its become more tempting, the money for stars are like through the roof now...none of this tempts you in any way to compromise on any other?
Kajol: No! Not for any other reason but as i said before my priorities are very very clear and always have been may be if I wasn't successful or may be if I had not been appreciated for what I did may be it would have tempted me.
Anupama Chopra: So, as an actor you are absolutely in a secure place?
Kajol: As a person I hope that I am in an absolutely secure space. Yes!! everybody thinks that Oh! What if I had done that get offers everyday which are tempting but I think at the end of the day the decisions that you make you have to stick by them.
Anupama Chopra: So, after U Me Aur Hum are you going to go into a long hibernation again?
Kajol: I hope so ...I need it..i think my soul needs it ..i need that time to sit and knit and I need that time to sit and read and just chill and not think about anything!
Anupama Chopra: And will you or will you not do Karan's Film?
Kajol: I have no idea as yet I really have no idea. We are talking about it ...he approached me for the film but I haven't heard the script as yet. If I would claim to every film as mine when they approached me for it, I think I will be claiming 3/4th of the film industry. So, out of the 300 films that are made then I will be claiming 299 of them so.
Anupama Chopra: But even in a space and a friend like Karan you will not say Yes!! until you know the script?
Kajol: I know for a fact that he is good enough friend of mine that he would give me that choice.
Anupama Chopra: And you will hopefully be on screen and not knitting?
Kajol: No! I will hopefully be knitting..knitting...knitting.
- Anupama Chopra, die das Interview mit Kajol führt, stellt ihr viele Frage – das ganze Interview ist sehr nett zu lesen und Kajol verrät einiges über sich selbst, ihre Gedanken, was sie gerne in der Freizeit macht (stricken!), dass sie natürlich jetzt mehr Interviews gäben weil es ja einen Film gibt, über den sie sprechen könnten (ihr Privatleben bleibe aber privat), dass Kajol denkt man könne nicht vor der Kamera lügen sondern müsse die Empfindungen ehrlich fühlen, um zu überzeugen, usw. Ein paar der Fragen beziehen sich auch auf UMAH oder Ajay, diese Fragen und Anworten habe ich relativ frei übersetzt: Anupama Chopra: Sie waren bis jetzt am meisten erfolgreich mit süßen, leichten romantischen Filmen, während Ajay eher für etwas düstere, realistischere Filme steht. Sind sich diese zwei Richtungen in die Quere gekommen, während Sie den Film gemacht haben, oder hat sich Ajay zum „Süßen“ konvertiert? Kajol: Ich denke nicht, dass wir uns gerade nur zum Zuckersüßen hingewandt hätten, wir haben etwas sehr kommerzielles geschrieben, und nicht versucht, ein „Ardh Satya“ oder so etwas zu machen, in diesem Genre soll es gar nicht sein. Da es ein kommerzieller, gutaussehender Film ist konnten wir auch einige Emotionen hineinbringen. Anupama Chopra: Mussten Sie ihm denn nie sagen, „mach es ein wenig romantischer“ oder „ etwas kommerzieller“. Ist sein Instinkt nicht von Haus aus so ausgerichtet? Kajol: Ich weiß nicht, worauf sein Instinkt ausgerichtet ist, aber glücklicherweise ist er ein wirklich guter Regisseur, das von ihm geschriebene Skript konnte detailgetreu verfilmt werden und genau so, wie wir es uns vorgestellt hatten, wenn nicht sogar besser!
Ajay Devgan on what makes marriages tick, despite the seven-year itch The world is made up of three kinds of couples. There are those who are happily unmarried, those who are unhappily married and then the rare breed, the ones who are happily married. In my opinion, happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry.
Marriage is the most important decision of one’s life and it needs to be taken after a lot of thought and consideration. Marriage is a promise that you publicly make to someone. It’s a commitment that brings with it a lot of responsibilities. If you aren’t sure of your decision, please don’t get into it. After all, nobody is putting a gun to your head. Marry only when you are truly ready. The fact is that there is nothing wrong with the institution of marriage. It’s just that people tend to contradict their decision.
That’s what I’ve tried to show in my directorial venture, U Me Aur Hum. The film tells the story of a couple who fall in love, solve problems with a lot of laughter and make it come true. Of course, marriages can never be complete without problems. In the journey of life, a married couple will have to face hurdles, some of which will seem insurmountable. But no problem is bigger than man; man makes the problem bigger than himself.
If two people are truly committed to their love, they will deal with their problems and come out of it smiling. There can be some tears on the way but if you can cry together and then laugh together, it will all work out. It’s like the dialogue in my film, “Agar pyaar ko paane ke liye junoon zaroori hai toh pyaar ko nibhaane ke liye bhi junoon zaroori hai.”
In my experience, marriages break down when love and respect is missing. Sure, there are certain cases when a third party is involved or the couple is genuinely incompatible, but mostly problems crop up when we stop making the effort. Normally, when we are wooing a person we always put the best foot forward but when we get that person, we show our real side. Why do we stop making the same effort after the wedding? It just needs two minutes. You just need to go up to your spouse and say I love you. I do that with my wife, Kajol.
It’s quite simple really. Like the title of my film says, U remain u, Me remains me and still we remain Hum and still we survive. The idea is to be yourself and yet be together so as to not to lose one’s identity. That’s why I’ve never stopped Kajol from doing anything that she wants to. I’ve never asked her to give up work or work with only certain kind of people. That is not my area at all. I just want to see her happy and whatever makes her happy, makes me happy. Marriage is all about celebrating your differences. It’s not a ritual or an end. It is a long, intricate, intimate dance together.
Of course, fights are bound to happen. But one must try and not stretch the fight and not let ego take over. I’ve no qualms in saying sorry to my wife when it’s my fault. The best way to defuse tension is to just crack a joke. Humour is the best problem-solver. That’s what I’ve tried to show in U Me Aur Hum. I’ve not tried to make a classic. I’ve made a commercial film that has its heart in the right place.
To be fair, personally, I’d like to apply 100 per cent of all that I’ve said but come on, let’s face it: if I do that then I’m God. But that doesn’t mean I stop making the effort. Of course since we also have a child, we are deeply committed to giving our best to our marriage. All the heavy-duty stuff aside, simply put, if you can fall in love many times but always with the same person then there is no reason why you won’t have your own “happily-ever-after”. (The writer debuts as a director with U Me Aur Hum)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsche Übersetzung von sRuthle:
HEIRATEN IST NICHT UNMÖGLICH Ajay Devgan spricht darüber, was Ehen funktionieren läßt, trotz des “verflixten siebten Jahres”
Auf dieser Welt gibt es drei Arten von Paarbeziehungen. Da gibt es die, die glücklich unverheiratet sind, diejenigen, die unglücklich verheiratet sind, und dann sind da noch jene Raritäten, die glücklich Verheirateten. Meiner Meinung nach beginnen glückliche Ehen dann, wenn wir die Person heiraten, die wir lieben. Und die Ehen gedeihen, wenn wir die Person lieben, die wir geheiratet haben. Heiraten – das ist die wichtigste Entscheidung des Lebens, und man sollte vorher gründlich nachdenken. Heiraten ist ein öffentliches Versprechen. Es ist eine Verbindung, die viele Verantwortungen beinhaltet. Wenn Du Dir Deiner Entscheidung nicht sicher bist, dann tu es bitte nicht. Schließlich hält Dir niemand eine Pistole an den Kopf. Heirate nur dann, wenn Du wirklich dazu bereit bist. Tatsache ist, dass an der Institution der Ehe nichts Falsches ist. Es ist nur so, dass die Menschen dazu neigen, selbst im Widerspruch zu ihrer Entscheidung stehen. Das ist es, was ich versucht habe, in meinem Film “U, Me Aur Hum” zu zeigen. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte zweier Menschen, die sich verlieben, ihre Probleme mit vielem Lachen lösen und ihren Traum wahr werden lassen. Natürlich kann eine Ehe nicht völlig ohne Probleme sein. Auf der Reise des Lebens wird ein verheiratetes Paar auch Hürden überwinden müssen, manchen könnten unüberwindbar erscheinen. Aber ein Problem ist nie größer als der Mensch; es ist der Mensch, der das Problem größer macht als er selber ist. Wenn zwei Menschen sich wirklich in Liebe verbunden haben, werden sie ihre Probleme meistern und mit einem Lächeln daraus hervorgehen. Es kann auf dem Weg ein paar Tränen kosten, aber wenn man erst miteinander weinen und dann zusammen lachen kann, dann wird alles gut. Es ist so wie der Satz in meinem Film: „Agar pyaar ko paane ke liye junoon zaroori hai toh pyaar ko nibhaane ke liye bhi junoon zaroori hai.” Meiner Erfahrung nach zerbrechen Ehen dann, wenn es an Liebe und Respekt fehlt. Natürlich gibt es auch Fälle, in denen ein Dritter mitspielt oder wo das Paar wirklich nicht zusammen passt, aber die meisten Probleme wachsen heran, wenn man sich nicht mehr bemüht. Normalerweise zeigen wir uns von unserer besten Seite, wenn wir versuchen, einen Menschen für uns einzunehmen, und wenn wir das geschafft haben, zeigen wir unser wahres Gesicht. Warum hören wir auf, uns Mühe zu geben, nachdem wir verheiratet sind? Man braucht nur zwei Minuten. Man braucht nur hochzugehen zum Partner und sagen „ich hab dich lieb“. Ich mache das so bei meiner Frau Kajol. Es ist wirklich ganz leicht. Wie es schon der Titel meines Filmes sagt, „Du“ bleibst „Du“, „Ich“ bleibt „Ich“, und trotzdem sind wir ein „Wir“ und trotzdem überleben wir. Der Gedanke ist folgender: sei Du selber und verliere Deine Identität nicht, wenn Du mit einem anderen zusammen bist. Deswegen habe ich Kajol nie abgehalten davon, etwas zu tun was sie wollte. Ich habe sie nie gebeten, mit ihrer Arbeit aufzuhören oder nur mit bestimmten Leuten zu arbeiten. Das ist nicht mein Zuständigkeitsbereich. Ich möchte nur, dass sie glücklich ist; und alles was sie glücklich macht, macht mich glücklich. In der Ehe geht es darum, unsere Unterschiede wertzuschätzen. Es ist kein Ritual oder Ende. Es ist ein langer, komplizierter, intimer Tanz miteinander. Natürlich wird es auch mal Streit geben. Aber man muss versuchen, den Streit nicht auszudehnen und darf es nicht zulassen, dass das Ego überhand nimmt. Ich habe keine Bedenken, mich bei meiner Frau zu entschuldigen, wenn ich einen Fehler gemacht habe. Die beste Art, eine gespannte Situation zu entschärfen, ist es, einen Witz zu machen. Humor ist der beste Problem-Löser. Das wollte ich in „U, Me Aur Hum“ zeigen. Ich habe nicht versucht, einen Klassiker zu schaffen. Ich habe einen kommerziellen Film gemacht, der “das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck” hat. Um ehrlich zu sein, ich persönlich würde gern alles 100%ig so machen, wie ich es gesagt habe, aber komm, man muss es einsehen: wenn ich das könnte dann wäre ich ein Gott. Aber das bedeutet nicht, dass ich aufhöre, mich anzustrengen. Seit wir ein Kind haben, sind wir natürlich noch mehr verpflichtet dazu, unser bestes in der Ehe zu geben. Lassen wir mal all das mit den schwerwiegenden Verpflichtungen beiseite, nehmen es ganz einfach: Wenn du dich mehrmals verlieben kannst aber immer in den selben Menschen, dann gibt es keinen Grund, weshalb du nicht dein eigenes „glücklich bis ans Ende“ haben könntest. (der Autor macht sein Debut als Regisseur mit dem Film "U, Me Aur Hum")
Prakash Jha is making a modern version of the Mahabharat, Rajniti. Ajay Devgan will play Karna and Manoj Bajpai, Duryodhan
Prakash Jha is all set to make a modern day version of the Mahabharat. The film is aptly titled Rajniti. It will have all the political twists of the Mahabharat, but will be set in contemporary times.
Our source says, “This is a subject which is very close to Bhaiji’s (Prakash Jha) heart. Bhaiji has been working on the subject from the time he was shooting Aparahan. In fact, he had spoken about this film to Nana Patekar and Ajay Devgan at that time. Ajay Devgan will play the character of Karna, while he has just signed Manoj Bajpai for the role of the power-crazy Duryodhan. The rest of the casting is still going on. This is one of Bhaiji’s most ambitious projects and he is on the lookout for powerful performers to essay the characters of Krishna and Arjun. Ajay has always been a regular in Bhaiji’s film, and he has also always wanted to work with Manoj. Bhaiji and Manoj are from the same town in Bihar and are finally working together.”
When contacted Prakash Jha refused to divulge any details about the film to us, and said that he would make an official announcement soon.
Manoj Bajpai, however, was slightly more forthcoming, although he too seemed under a gag order. He said, “Yes, I have signed on Prakash Jha’s film but I can’t reveal any details yet as we have been asked not to do so. You will have to speak to Mr Jha for details.”
When quizzed further, Manoj added, “After an entire year of mine was wasted due to a shoulder injury, this is one film that I am eagerly waiting to start shooting for. It’s a role of a lifetime.”
Ajay, who was in Delhi for the promotion of U Me Aur Hum, was unavailable for comment.
- Prakash Jha möchte eine moderne Version des Mahabharat machen mit dem Titel Rajniti. Der Film soll die selben politischen Wendungen haben wie das Mahabharat, aber in unserer Zeit spielen. An diesem Projekt habe Prakash Jha seit „Apaharan“ gearbeitet, es bedeute ihm sehr viel, und er habe auch schon amals mit Nana Patekar und Ajay Devgan darüber gesprochen. Ausser Ajay Devgan (für die Rolle des Karna) und Manoi Bajpai (als Duryochan) stände die Besetzung noch nicht fest. Prakash Jha enthüllte keine Details und meinte lediglich, dass er bald den Film offiziell ankündigen werde. Manoi Bajpai sagte lediglich, dass er sich nach seiner einjährigen Zwangspause nach einer Schulterverletzung sehr auf den Film freue. Ajay Devgan stand für Nachfragen nicht zur Verfügung.
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader L.K. Advani, a movie buff, loved Ajay Devgan's directorial debut 'U, Me Aur Hum' during a special screening here and gave it a standing ovation.
Ajay's film, that releases April 11, delves into the institution of marriage through the story of three couples. The film is about how no marriage can be complete without problems.
'Member of Parliament Ravi Shankar Prasad arranged a special screening of the film Saturday in New Delhi for Advani, who gave it a seven-minute standing ovation while the credits were being shown,' said a source close to the actor.
'The film touched my heart,' Advani, who started his career as a film critic, told media persons. He came with his wife Kamla to watch the film.
Apart from Ravi Shankar Prasad, BJP leader Sushma Swaraj was also present at the screening as were the actors Ajay, Kajol and the rest of the star cast including Karan Khanna, Sumeet Raghvan and Divya Dutta
Advani, who in a recent interview said he loves watching movies, had also attended the special screening of Aamir Khan's directorial debut 'Taare Zameen Par' last year. The film moved him to tears.
- Details siehe die nächsten beiden Berichte, hier ist erwähnenswert, dass Advani den Film UMAH mit 7minütigen Standing Ovations ehrte, der Film habe sein Herz berührt. Auch Aamir Khan hatte ihm seinen Film ZTP vorgeführt, dabei war Advani zu Tränen gerührt gewesen.
Published on Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 12:21, Updated at Sun, Apr 06, 2008
Politics may have enough drama, but even politicians need that extra dose of it from Bollywood. L K Advani has always been a huge movie buff and this time, Ajay Devgun and Kajol invited him to a special screening of their movie U, Me aur Hum.
So is Advani a film critic or a lucky charm? Whatever he may, the veteran politician and probable future Prime Minister does appear to be the flavour of the season for Bollywood.
"Advaniji likes good films. He began his career as a film critic. He loves good films, he loves good theatre and today, he loved this movie.,” said BJP Spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad.
Advani had also attended a special screening of Taare Zameen Par, hosted by Aamir Khan some time ago.
“It’s the first time I think I saw Advaniji crying," Aamir had said.
As for Ajay Devgan’s directorial debut, here's what Advani thought;
“In all, I liked the film. I thought it's a film that would a very good impression on the mind,” he said.
But enough about premiers; how about L K Advani acting in a movie?
“If the role suits him, I don't think he'd have a problem doing it,” stated BJP leader Sushma Swaraj.
Bollywood has always taken its prints to Tirupati for some blessings but Advani’s aashirwad also seems to work just fine as after Aamir Khan and TZP Ajay and Kajol have come here. But will their movie work? They’ll have to wait and watch.
- Der indische Politiker Advani ist ein großer Liebhaber des indischen Kinos und von guten Filmen. Bereits Aamir Khan hatte ihn eingeladen zu einer Vorführung seines Films "Taare Zameen Par", und nun durfte er sich Ajays Film ansehen. Der Film habe ihm sehr gut gefallen, sagte ein Pressesprecher. Bollywood hat schon immer seine Filmrollen zu Tirupati gebracht um seinen Segen zu erhalten, nun scheint es, dass auch Advanis Segen hilfreich ist, weil Aamir und TZP nun Ajay und Kajol zu ihm gekommen sind. Ob es wirklich funktioniert, wird man sehen.
Member of Parliament Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad arranged a special screening of Ajay Devgan's U,Me Aur Hum yesterday in New Delhi for the Honourable leader of Opposition, Lok Sabha Shri LK Advani!!!
Present at the screening were director and actor Ajay Devgan, Mr and Mrs Advani, Kajol, Ravi Shankar Prasad and Sushma Swaraj as well along with the rest of the starcast Karan Khanna, Sumeet Raghvan and Divya Dutta.
- Parlamentsmitglied Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad arrangierte eine Vorführung von Ajay Devgans "U, Me Aur Hum" in Delhi für den Chef der Oppsoition, Lok Sabha Shri LK Advani. Anwesend waren Ajay Devgan, Mr und Mrs Advani, Kajol, Ravi Shankar Prasad und Sushma Swaraj sowie die Hauptdarsteller Karan Khanna, Sumeet Raghvan und Divya Dutta.
The exams are over and vacations are in. But there won’t be any holidays in Bollywood. This precisely is the season which the producers were eagerly awaiting to release their films. Holiday season means more audience and big money. So expect the biggest of films to release in April and May. In fact this year’s first big box-office combat will happen the coming Friday with two big films battling it out simultaneously at the ticket window. It’s Rakesh Roshan’s Krazzy 4 v/s Ajay Devgan’s U Me aur Hum on April 11, 2008. Who stands a better chance of winning? Let’s analyze...
Debutante Directors Incidentally both Krazzy 4 and U Me aur Hum come from debutante directors. Jaideep Sen has been an assistant to Rakesh Roshan for many years. Ajay Devgan needs no introduction. So both debutantes do not have any earlier credentials on their CV when it comes to their directing abilities. Until the film proves it, Krazzy 4 will essentially sell as a Rakesh Roshan film, while U Me aur Hum will sell on Ajay Devgan, the actor than the director.
Stars v/s Actors In cast comparison, U Me aur Hum has more star value with Ajay Devgan and Kajol as the lead pair. It’s always a treat to see Kajol onscreen especially after her limited appearances. The last we saw her was in Fanaa, two years back. However, despite being one of the most stable couples from Bollywood in real life, their reel-life chemistry hasn’t really clicked well with the audiences with films like Hulchul, Gundaraj, Dil Kya Kare and Raju Chacha proving to be major disasters. They might be really looking forward for U Me aur Hum to click as the duo will again be seen in animated avatars in Toonpur Ka Superhero later this year.
Krazzy 4, on the other hand, has a more actor-oriented cast. The theme of the film is such that it demanded actors over stars. So Rakesh Roshan chose an unusual combination of wonderful character artists like Arshad Warsi, Irrfan Khan, Rajpal Yadav and Suresh Menon for his film, over the star material at his home in the form of Hrithik Roshan.
Stars might attract audiences to the theatres which actors might not necessarily be able to do. But actors help in sustaining a good film, which at times, even some big stars are not be able to. So each film has one trump card as its own USP.
Comedy v/s Drama There is an interesting twist of tale here. Rakesh Roshan who is usually associated with ‘high-voltage-drama’ and (Koyla, Karan Arjun, Khudgarz) and love story (Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai), attempts a comedy this time with Krazzy 4.
On the contrary, Ajay Devgan who has been associated with action films and off-lately comedy (Golmaal, Sunday, Golmaal Returns) surprisingly makes his debut with a sublime love story.
Of course the comedy Krazzy 4 will also have some emotional and dramatic moments while U Me aur Hum promises some light-hearted moments. Comedy finds an easy audience if it’s sensibly handled while love story are always in demand in Bollywood. so both films are assured with their own audiences base in Bollywood.
Music v/s Item numbers In the music department, U Me aur Hum surely scores an extra point as compared to Krazzy 4. Vishal Bharadwaj has scored a melodious album well-worded by lyricist Munna Dhiman.
However though Krazzy 4 is making more noise as far as music is concerned. The film is marketed very smartly. The mediocre tunes are camouflaged behind superstars. Though not as a part of the film, Krazzy 4 promises more star power through its hugely popular item numbers. Rakesh Roshan has chosen the biggest names to promote his film. So you have none other than Shah Rukh Khan endorsing Krazzy 4 and now the trump card is also out in the form of Hrithik Roshan who introduces the 4 characters in the music video. And of course whatever has Rakhi Sawant in it, makes news.
So the game is all set to begin. They say there is enough space for everyone in Bollywood and sufficient audience for individual films. We wish both the films success and may both work well.
Beide Filme sind die Erstlingswerke ihrer Regisseure – Jaideep Sen (bisher Assistant von Raksh Roshan) und Ajay Devgan Krazzy 4 wird sich erst einmal als Rakesh Roshan Film verkaufen, während U Me Aur Hum verkauft wird als Werk von Ajay Devgan, dem Schauspieler und dem Regisseur. Stars v/s Schauspieler Ajay Devgan and Kajol sind Starbesetzung– werden sie die Liebe auf die Leinwand bringen können? Und damit erfolgreicher sein als in Hulchul, Gundaraj, Dil Kya Kare und Raju Chacha? Zumal sie dieses Jahr noch einmal zusammen gesehen werden in Toonpur Ka Superhero. Krazzy 4 hat themenbedingt eine mehr auf Schauspieler orientierte Besetzung, Arshad Warsi, Irrfan Khan, Rajpal Yadav und Suresh Menon statt beispielweise einen Star wie Hrithik Roshan. So hat jeder Film seine eigene Trumpfkarte – Stars können die Leute ins Kino ziehen, während Schauspieler manchmal so gute Darstellungen abliefern wie es kaum einer der Stars könnte. Comedy v/s Drama Rakesh Roshan, der üblicherweise assoziiert wird mit ‘high-voltage-drama’ (Koyla, Karan Arjun, Khudgarz) und Liebesgeschichten (Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai), versucht sich diesmal mit Krazzy 4 an einer Komödie. Im Gegensatz dazu macht Ajay Devgan überraschenderweise den Debut als Regisseur mit einer Liebesgeschichte, obwohl man in eher in Verbindung bringt mit Action Filmen und neuerdings Komödien (Golmaal, Sunday, Golmaal Returns). In Krazzy 4 gibt es natürlich aus andere Elemente, ebenso wie in U Me Aur Hum. Beide Arten von Filmen sind in Bollywood beliebt, wenn sie gut gemacht sind. Music v/s Item numbers Hier macht U Me Aur Hum einen Bonuspunkt gegenüber Krazzy 4. Vishal Bharadwaj hat wunderbare Komposition gemacht, Munna Dhiman fantastische Texte. Aber Krazzy 4 ist besser im Marketing der Musik. Rakesh Roshan hat für die Promotion große Stars wie Shah Rukh Khan und Hritik Roshan, obwohl sie nicht im Film auftreten, ausser in Item Songs. Und natürlich spricht sich alles herum, wo Rakhi Sawant mitmacht.
Das Spiel wird bald beginnen. Man sagt, es gäbe in Bollywood genug Raum und übergenug Zuschauer für jeden Film. Wir wünschen beiden Filmen Erfolg und gutes Gelingen.
New Delhi, April 6 (IANS) They are beautiful, gooey-eyed and forever in love. The picture perfect, real-life Bollywood couples are emerging as the most coveted brand ambassadors and seem set to test the adage that real-life couples do not sizzle on the silver screen. Among star couples, Ajay-Kajol is undoubtedly the most visible.
They are also the ones who set the trend of endorsing products together.They make a neat Rs.80 million to Rs.90 million per ad. Clearly, being in love and flaunting it was never so lucrative.
Says film critic Indu Mirani: "For advertisers, married real-life Bollywood couples are a picture of happy matrimony which is highly sellable."
Advertisers already swear by the pull factor of casting such couples and are willing to shell out unheard of amounts to rope them in.
Box-office performance of upcoming releases like "U Me Aur Hum", Ajay's directorial debut in which he stars with wife Kajol, and "Tashan", which has Saif Ali Khan and real-life girlfriend Kareena Kapoor in the lead, will determine whether filmmakers join the queues outside the homes of perfect duos.
Now with Ajay appearing on a reality show along with Kajol and mother-in-law Tanjua, they may just start yet another trend. ...
- Sie sind schön, haben einen betörenden Blick und sind auf ewig verliebt. Die absolut perfekten Paare unter den Bollywood Schauspielern entwickeln sich zu heißbegehrten Werberepräsentanten und scheinen dem Vorurteil entgegenzutreten, dass reale Paare auf Leinwand nicht „funken“. Unter diesen Starpaaren sind Ajay und Kajol zweifellos am meisten gegenwärtig. Sie sind auch diejenigen, die den Trend begonnen haben, gemeinsam ein Produkt zu vertreten. Etwa Rs. 80 Millionen bis Rs. 90 Millionen bekommen sie pro Werbespot. Offensichtlich war es noch nie so lukrativ, verliebt zu sein und das öffentlich zu zeigen. Filmkritiker Indu Mirani sagt: „Für die Webefirmen sind Bollywood Paare als Bild einer glücklichen Ehe sehr gut verkaufsfähig.“ Werbefirmen schwören auf den Zugfaktor solcher Paare und sind bereit, Unsummen dafür hinzublättern. Es hängt davon ab, wie sich Filme wie „U, Me Aur Hum“ (mit Ajay und Kajol) oder „Tashan“ (mit Saif Ali Khan und seiner Freundin Kareena Kapoor) am Box Office darstellen, ob sich in Zukunft auch die Filmemacher einreihen in die Warteschlange vor den Häusern der perfekten Paare. Ajay und Kajol könnten nun zusammen mit Ajays Mutter Tanisha einen neuen Trend starten, indem sie zusammen in einer Reality Show erscheinen.
Des weiteren macht man sich Gedanken über Abishek und Aishwarya – ob sie zusammen mit „Big B“ auch auftreten würden, und ob sie auch zusammen Werbung machen, bisher scheinen sie allerdings astronomische Summen verlangt zu haben, so dass man sich vorerst mehr an Saif Ali Khan und Kareena Kapoor zu halten scheint. Die sind aber vorerst zurückhaltend, da sie nicht in die Situation kommen wollen, in der John Abraham und Bipasha Basu waren, die nämlich einen Werbevertrag auflösen mussten, als der Erfolg von Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal nicht wie erwünscht ausfiel….
Kajol’s is anything but accessible. But even those 25 phone calls and 40 messages seem worth the five-day wait when you actually make it past the barriers.
The spunk in her Hiii... as she picks up the receiver, no matter how tired she may have been promoting her home production, puts you at ease with this so called ‘fiery’ Leo, setting the pace for a comfortable chat ahead.
Mention her upcoming movie and an excited Kajol takes off: “It’s been fantastic. More, because the work went off so smoothly that none of us realised when we started and when we touched the end.” But what everybody’s really curious about is how easy was it being directed by hubby Ajay Devgan? “He’s so good at his work, I rarely ever needed to question him. Besides, we went on the sets with a bound script. Even then Ajay gave me enough leeway to improvise on scenes. That way, we share a superb working relationship.”
But isn’t that unlike Kajol, who’s known for not bowing down if she's not convinced about something? “That way, it's tough to get me to like a script in the first place. I'm very choosy. But once I'm confident of the director and the script, I don't make a fuss.”
No wonder then that the actor still hasn't said a yes to Karan Johar’s I Am Khan “where I'll again be seen with SRK, if I sign the movie.”
But movies or not, Kajol's never been out of the scene. So what has kept her busy? The home videos shot by Ajay ( a fact very few know)? Kajol laughs it off, “No, no. He's shot no video on Nysa and me. And those 30-40 videos being talked about are the ones he shot when he was some 15 or 16 years old.”
So, does her talented hubby (he acts, directs, produces and can do stunts) also inspires her to take an interest in any of these fields? “No way,” she laughs, “I'm happy being in front of the camera.”
Married for all of nine years now, we wonder how much has her lively and spunky nature rubbed off on the reclusive Ajay? “Ajay’s become more open to things now,” she offers, “But his basic character has not changed. He's still a man of few words and always will be.” But on her relationship with mom Tanuja, Kajol shoots, “Oh, we're so alike in everything – from our priorities, to our principles to even our beliefs. Though yes, being a mom, she's 20 times more evolved than me.” Family conversation is not complete without a mention of sister Tanishaa, and we wonder who’s a better mentor to the younger sibling? “Mom has instilled in us the need to be responsible for the decisions we make. Tanishaa does talk to us about her projects, but we never influence her decisions. And I think she's done well for herself,” she says, adding that she hopes to be seen with her on the big screen soon.
One last question before she hurries to leave...having reached a stage where scripts are written keeping her in mind, does she ever feel cheated, with Bollywood still being referred to as male-dominated industry? “I've done ample work and get even more to not feel like that at all. In fact, directors have told me countless times that their movie requires me...and that says enough!”
- Kajol spricht mal wieder über ihren Film und ihren Mann und auch kurz über ein paar andere Themen sRuthle hat die sich auf Ajay beziehenden Passagen frei übersetzt:
Über die Zusammenarbeit mit Ajay sagt Kajol: "Es war fantastisch. Um so mehr, weil die Arbeit so leicht von der Hand ging, dass niemand richtig bemerkte, wann wir anfingen und wann wir zum Ende kamen. Ajay als Regisseur ist so gut, ich mußte ihn kaum einmal etwas fragen. Außerdem gingen wir mit einem schlüssigen Skript an die Arbeit. Und doch gab mir Ajay genug Freiraum, um in den Szenen auch mal zu improvisieren. Auf diese Weise hatten wir eine wunderbar funktionierende Beziehung." Warum aber war Kajol so lange kaum zu sehen gewesen? Waren daran die Videos schuld, die Ajay gedreht hat? Kajol lacht darüber, "Nein, nein. Er hat von mir oder Nysa keine Videos gemacht. Und diese 30-40 Videos, von denen da geredet wird, hat er gemacht als er so 15 oder 16 Jahre alt war." Inspiriert sie ihr vielseitiger Gatte (er ist Schauspieler, Regisseur, Produzent und auch mal Stuntman) dazu, sich auch für andere Gebiete zu interessieren? "Niemals, ich bin glücklich vor der Kamera." Hat ihre lebhafte und feurige Art in den neun Jahren Ehe auf Ajay abgefärbt? "Ajay steht manchen Dingen heute offener gegenüber", sagt Kajol, "aber seine grundlegenden Charakterzüge haben sich nicht geändert. Er ist ein Mann von wenigen Worten und wird es immer bleiben."
By Bollywood Hungama News Network, April 7, 2008 - 15:54 IST
... When we asked him about the status of his debut film Haal -E Dil, he said "The promos will be on TV from the 20th of this month. I am paired opposite Amita Pathak. The rest of the star cast includes Tanuja (in a cameo) and also a special appearance by Ajay Devgan and Kajol. The promos of this film will start with U, Me Aur Hum. It will be released on June 20. Besides Raaz 2 and Haal -E Dil, I have an untitled film with Mohit Suri. The details of the rest of the cast are being worked upon.
BOLLYWOOD GOES POLITICAL : Politicians do more than engage in politics, or write books. In between, they take breaks to watch the latest Bollywood flicks too! MP Ravi Shankar Prasad hosted a screening of U, Me Aur Hum for a bunch of Delhi politicos recently. The screening was organised by his son Aditya, and Kajol, Ajay Devgan and others from the cast and crew of the movie were present for it.
CATCHING UP : Kajol narrated the plot of the movie to Sushma Swaraj and LK Advani’s wife Kamala, while Ajay welcomed the other netas as they arrived. Looking pretty in blue, Kajol cut quite a figure, while Divya was all frills and tucks and bling. Sumeet and Karan Khanna, Vinod Khanna’s nephew, were also seen joking with each other and laughing away.
I’M A FAN : Ravi Shankar Prasad told Kajol, “I have been a big fan of your mother’s, and now it’s you.
- ein weiterer Bericht über die Extra Filmvorführung von UMAH auf Wunsch des Politikers Ravi Shankar Prasad - ein Foto, auf dem Kajol ein blaues Gewand trägt...
By Team (7 April 2008 6:50 pm)
Eros International plans to have an unprecedented line-up of 35 releases in 2008, indicating that it wants to scale up to dominate the Indian movie market. ... Eros will also release Toonpur ka Super Hero, an animation film with live characters. Starring the husband-wife duo Ajay Devgan and Kajol, Toonpur is a story in which a reel life hero accidentally lands in the world of cartoons and transforms into a real life hero.
Other films slated for release this year include You, Me Aur Hum marking the directorial debut of leading actor Ajay Devgan; the Diwali weekend bonanza Yuvraj, a musical film directed by Subhash Ghai starring Anil Kapoor, Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, and Eros International-Sajid Nadiadwala co-production Kambakht Ishq directed by Saabir Khan with Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor in the lead roles. ... Other releases during the year include Mehbooba (a romantic comedy by Afzal Khan and starring Sanjay Dutt, Ajay Devgan and Manisha Koirala), Haal-e-dil (a young love story directed by Anil Devgan and starring newcomers - Producer Kumar Mangat's daughter Amita Pathak and actor Shekhar Suman's son Adhyayan Suman) ...
- EROS wird in 2008 wohl 35 Filme auf den Markt bringen und strebt damit anscheinend die Position des Marktführers an. Unter anderem sind das die Filme Drona, Aladin (von Sujoy Ghosh), Toonpur ka Super Hero (der Zeichentrickfilm mit den echten Schauspielern Kajol und Ajay Devgan), U Me Aur Hum (Ajays Film), Yuvraj, die Komödien God Tussi Great Ho und Money Hai Toh Honey Hai, Bhootnath, Sarkar Raaj (RGV), Krazzy 4, Mehbooba (mit Sanjay Dutt und Ajay Devgan sowie Manisha Koirala), Haal-e-dil, Had Bahedi, (mit Rishi Kapoor), The Great Indian Butterfly, Pankh , Hijack und Mr. White Mr. Black (Komok-Thriller mit Suniel Shetty und Arshad Warsi). Erst vor kurzem wurde die Filme Bombay to Bangkok, Sunday (mit Ajay Devgan)und Black and White veröffentlicht. Bei dem Tamil Label "Ayngaran International" hat EROS 15 Filme anstehen, und weitere Tamil Filme stehen an zur internationalen Veröffentlichung.
Abbas Mastaan’s Race has got a good response at the box office. Its star cast has been appreciated by the critics and audience as well. Not many know that Akshay Khanna, Anil Kapoor, Bipasha Basu and Sameera Reddy were not the original choice for Race. ... Anil Kapoor too wasn’t the first choice for the part of the investigating officer. This role was first offered to Ajay Devgan who liked the script, but felt that the role will kill his strong intense image. Later filmmakers offered this role to Akshay Kumar but he declined the role because he didn’t want to play second fiddle to Saif Ali Khan. Later Anil Kapoor portrayed that role.
- wie bereits bekannt, sollte die Rolle, die Anil Kapoor in Race spielt, erst von Ajay Devgan gespielt werden, als der ablehnte, fragte man auch noch Akshay Kumar
Actor Ajay Devgana and actor-wife Kajol were in New Delhi on April 5, for a special screening of Ajay's directorial debut U, Me Aur Hum. The screening was requested by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Member of Parliament and was attended by Lok Sabha leader, Mr. LK Advani and wife, and Sushma Swaraj along with the cast and crew of U, Me Aur Hum . We hear that the film got a standing ovation, when it was screened at the capital.
When we got in touch with the actor-director, he was all smiles but yet chose to be humble about the experience. "Shooting the film and for the film was great as I did exactly what I wanted and today when I see the final product, I feel that I have come close to what I wanted to achieve. I don't think it's perfect, but it's pretty close to the script and what I had imagined it to be. I'm satisfied, now all that is left to be seen is if the audience is satisfied."
Having kept special screenings for politicians and at the same time being a part of socially relevant and hard-hitting films, will Ajay ever get into politics? "Politics is not for me. I am an actor, and will stick to working in films. I have no political aspirations, nor am I cut out for it."