October 21, 2008 1:47:15 PM IST Bollywood Trade News Network
GOLMAAL RETURNS lads Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Tusshar Kapoor and Shreyas Talpade cross–dress on Director Rohit Shetty's call!!!
Apparently there was a scene in the film that required the guy gang to dress up like women. And it happens to be a Women's day so they dress up like women to enter the mall, as only women were allowed to enter on that particular day. No wonder the guys got some strange looks from the women folk around, but then no complaining when you are the centre of attraction, right guys?
Rohit Shetty shares, "I was quite taken aback when Ajay (Devgan) agreed to this scene in particular. He was very gung–ho to go ahead with the scene!! Infact none of the guys had any reservations, which made it one of the best scenes in the film."
The film also stars Kareena Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Celina Jaitley &Anjana Sukhani, and is produced by Shree Ashtavinayak's Cinevision Limited. The film will hit the theaters this Diwali on 29th October 2008.
This one will surely grab the eyeballs to say the least!!!
übersetzt von soulsurfer: (...)Offensichtlich gibt es eine Szene im Film, die es erfordert, das die Bubenbande sich als Frauen verkleidet. Und das passierte nun genau am Frauentag, sodass alle in ein Einkaufszentrum gingen, in dem an diesem Tag nur Frauen zugelassen waren. Kein Wunder, das die Jungs ein paar seltsame Seitenblicken von den Frauen kassiert haben - aber wenn man alle Aufmerksamkeit bekommt, darf man sich nicht beschweren, oder, Jungs? Rohit Shetty sagt dazu: "Ich war ziemlich verblüfft, als Ajay dieser Szene wirklich zugestimmt hat. Er war sogar ziemlich heiß drauf, sie zu drehen! Eigentlich hatte keiner von den Kerlen irgendwelche Vorbehalte, und so ist eine der besten Szenen des Films daraus geworden."
Actor Salman Khan is currently in London. No, he ain't there visiting Katrina Kaif, instead is there to shoot for Vipul Shah's London Dreams , while the beautiful Kat is in Philadelphia for a shooting schedule again. So while in London, the Khan, instead of going beserk over what the lah-di-dah restarurants there have to offer, is insistent on having Indian khaana.
Also, Vipul is known to spoil his cast silly and give to them whatever they demand. But all that Sallu asks for is roti-sabzi . Well, talk about high thinking and simple living, eh? Funnily, his co-actor Ajay Devgan is sailing in the same boat. "He's very non-experimental when it comes to food," says Vipul about Ajay's food habits, "And settles for Indian food as well, wherever he goes."
Producer Vipul Shah finds the actresses more experimental when it comes to food. "While the actors are always settle for something tried and tested, the actresses, I've noticed prefer to try exotic stuff and are more experimental. Even while we were shooting Singh Is Kinng , Katrina Kaif and Neha Dhupia used to jump at the idea of tasting a new dish, while Akshay had his fixed diet and wouldn't explore too much."
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Schauspieler Salman Khan ist gegenwärtig in London. Nein, er macht keinen Besuch bei Katrina Kaif - er dreht für Vipul Shahs LD, während die schöne Kat wegen Dreharbeiten in Philadelphia weilt. So sitzt der Khan in London und anstatt völlig über das riesige Angebot der dortigen Restaurants auszuflippen, besteht er darauf, richtiges indisches Essen zu bekommen. Vipul ist ja bekannt dafür, seine Cast total zu verwöhnen und ihnen zu geben, was immer sie auch wünschen. Aber alles, was Sallu möchte, ist indisches Brot (roti) mit Gemüse (sabzi). Nun, hohe Ansprüche und einfaches Leben, gell? Komischerweise stößt Schauspielerkumpel Ajay Devgan ins selbe Horn. "Er ist sehr wenig aufgeschlossen, wenn es ums Essen geht," sagt Vipul über Ajays Ernährungsgewohnheiten. "Es muss immer indisch sein, wohin auch immer er geht." Vipul Shah findet die Schauspielerinnen experimentierfreudiger: "Während die Schauspieler immer zu altbekannten Gerichten greifen, wählen die Schauspielerinnen schon mal etwas Exotisches und probieren mehr aus. Auch während der Dreharbeiten zu SIK wollten Katrina Kaif und Neha Dhupia öfter mal was Neues probieren, während Akshay sich an seine gewohnte Ernährung hielt und nicht sehr risikofreudig war."
Wednesday, 22 October 2008 15:33 UK By Darryl Chamberlain Entertainment reporter, BBC News
A deal to help Bollywood producers to work in the UK will help the British movie industry withstand the economic downturn, the film minister has said.
Barbara Follett said the UK industry offered "an excellent product" and the deal would help "maintain excellence".
"The wider your base, in an economically difficult time, the more resilient you'll be," she added.
She spoke alongside director Vipul Shah, who has taken over Trafalgar Square to make new film London Dreams.
Its stars, Ajay Devhan and Asin, were also at the launch of the agreement, which has now come into force.
The treaty means Indian film-makers will find it easier to obtain tax relief if they collaborate with British producers.
Lottery money
It will also help them to obtain funding from sources such as the National Lottery, Ms Follett said, and help to cut down on the bureaucracy involved in making films.
Civil servants from India and the UK have been working on the treaty for the past three years.
Vipul Shah, whose previous film Singh is Kinng was a huge worldwide hit, backed the deal.
"I think that more films will be made in London, primarily for Indian markets," he said.
"Working with crews in their own cities is a great thing. They know the systems, how the shoots function in that particular city, how to get permissions, how to move things. It's always very important."
Shah has previously made Namastey London in the British capital, and said he hoped to make a third film there.
"It's an added bonus to us when we work with a local crew. I've loved every minute here. Hopefully when I come for the third film, I'll be using some crew from London."
Up to 10 films could go into production in the next two years as part of the deal.
The deal comes as Bollywood films become more popular around the world, and Mumbai-based film-makers broaden their sights beyond India.
Helicopter filming
Actor Ajay Devgan said the demands of a global market were having an effect on Indian films.
"I guess they are changing to adapt to the audience. We're just trying to cater for them," he said.
"All kinds of films are being made - there are films that have been adapted for the global market and are doing very well."
Shah added he had "loved every minute" of working in London.
"Yesterday I had a special permission to shoot something in Trafalgar Square from a helicopter," he said.
"I've seen London from a chopper before, but not so low down and not flying from Big Ben and St Paul's Cathedral and Trafalgar Square. That was pretty special - very, very exciting."
Barbara Follett joined Ajay Devgan (left) and Vipul Shah in central London
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Der Deal mit Bollywood hilft UK-Filmindustrie
Die ursprüngliche Absicht, Bollywoodproduzenten mit dem Abkommen zu unterstützen wird nun ein wenig ins Gegenteil verkehrt, da der Deal nun der britischen Filmindustrie helfen wird, sich gegen den Abschwung zu stemmen, wie die britische Kultusministerin sagte. (...) Ajay Devgan meinte, die globalen Anforderungen hätten die Bollywoodfilme verändert. (...) Er sagte: "Ich schätze, sie ändern sich, um dem Publikum gerecht zu werden. Wir versuchen eben ihm etwas zu bieten. Es werden verschiedene Arten von Filmen gedreht - und die, die für den internationalen Markt gemacht wurden, laufen gut." (...)
FASHION and GOLMAAL RETURNS are as diverse as chalk and cheese in terms of content. Coincidentally, the two films, slated for release this Diwali, have also been awarded diametrically opposite ratings by the Central Board of Film Certification. Readers would recall, Madhur Bhandarkar was quite upset after the censors awarded an 'A' certificate to FASHION, but Rohit Shetty, director of GOLMAAL RETURNS, is grinning from ear to ear.
"All my films, right from ZAMEEN to GOLMAAL and SUNDAY were awarded 'UA' certificate with minor cuts by the censors, but GOLMAAL RETURNS is my first film that has been awarded 'U' certificate without cuts," he smiles.
übersetzt von FoxyX: Im ersten Absatz steht nix neues. Im zweiten sagt Rohit Shetty, das alle seine Filme von Zameen bis Golmaal und Sunday geringfügig geschnitten wurden um das UA-Zertifikat zu bekommen und das GR der erste Filme ist, der das U-Zertifkat bekam ohne geschnitten werden zu müssen.
... Ajay Devgan visited his close friend, Mandeep Kakkar's house in London for dinner and ended up cooking the meal himself. The first shooting schedule of London Dreams in London was making Ajay homesick and he was missing ghar ka khana. So he thought of visiting Mandeep's for dinner.
However, instead of chatting with his old friend, he sneaked into the kitchen to check what was cooking and ended up taking charge instead. He asked the cook to step aside and took his assistance in preparing mutton khichdi and chicken stew.
“The process of preparing, cooking and serving a perfect meal gives me the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction. Cooking takes the stress out of me as right now I am missing my family here in London,” said Ajay.
Mandeep's mom, said, “Till now we have only heard that Ajay is an excellent cook. But now we can swear by the food that he cooks. He made excellent mutton khichdi and chicken stew.” ...
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Ajay Devgan besuchte in London seinen engen Freund Mandeep Kakkar, um zu Abend zu essen - und kochte am Ende selbst. Während des ersten Abschnitts der Dreharbeiten zu LD bekam Ajay Heimweh und vermisste die indische Hausmannskost. So kam er auf die Idee, bei Mandeep ein Abendessen einzunehmen. Anstelle sich mit seinem alten Kumpel zu unterhalten, stattete er aber der Küche einen Besuch ab, um zu sehen, was auf dem Herd steht, und fand sich schließlich mit dem Kochlöffel in der Hand wieder. Er bedeutete dem Koch, seinen Platz zu räumen und ihm bei der Zubereitung eines Lamm- und eines Hühnergerichts zu helfen. "Ein komplettes Essen vorzubereiten, zu kochen und zu servieren verschafft mir eine ganz besondere Freude und Befriedigung. Kochen lässt den Stress verschwinden - besonders jetzt, da ich meine Familie hier in London vermisse," sagt Ajay. Mandeeps Mutter meinte dazu: "Bisher hatten wir nur davon gehört, was für ein exellenter Koch Ajay sei. Jetzt können wir das bezeugen. Er hat ausgezeichnetes Lamm und Huhn zubereitet."
Ajay Devgan's rock star makeover in 'London Dreams' was evident as the star filmed a film sequence in London's Trafalgar square on Wednesday, October 22, as was the obvious restraint in the styling - spiked brown hair with long sideburns not a punk rock hairdo.
Missing also were the tattoos on the bare body.
Ajay's styling has been done by designer Ana Singh.
The film, which additionally stars Salman Khan and Asin, is the story of two childhood friends who aspire to be rock stars. While one succeeds, the other fails.
Both of them fall in love with Asin's character, a South Indian musician.
Interestingly, London Dreams and the recently released Rock On share the same music directors Shankar, Ehsaan and Loy.
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Ajay Devgan Rock-Star-Outfit in LD konnte während der Dreharbeiten zu LD am Trafalgar Square am Mittwoch nicht übersehen werden - ebensowenig sein Haarstyling: braune Stoppeln mit langen Kotletten, aber keine Punkfrisur. Nicht zu sehen bekam man allerdings die Tatoos auf dem nackten Körper. Ajays Styling stammte von der Designerin Ana Singh. (...)
October 23, 2008 7:02:38 PM IST Joginder Tuteja, Bollywood Trade News Network
Rohit Shetty's SUNDAY had done decent business at the box office but the young film maker insists that it could have done better. However, he is not blaming it on the audience or any other third party (something which most Bollywood folks are used to do). Instead he agrees that he himself could have done a better job in understanding what the audience wanted from the film.
''Honestly, SUNDAY was an eye opener for me. While shooting for it, we were thinking of a hardcore masala film but in the end it turned out to be a serious thriller'', confesses Rohit Shetty in a matter of fact tone, ''Some people were disappointed with what they saw. Well, at that time even I was not taking myself seriously and didn't realize that there was a good section of audience out there which had started building expectations from me.''
Any lessons learnt between SUNDAY and GOLMAAL RETURNS?
''I know for sure that when it comes to me, audiences want to see a 'masala film'. Hence it is my duty to give them one. After all, these are not the days when one pays 20 bucks for a film. Ticket rates are quite high and if your salary is say 25000, you end up paying 10% of it for a family movie outing. I realize that you can't be defensive of your films. Instead you have to work harder on your next project. This is what I have done with GOLMAAL RETURNS'', concludes Rohit.
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Rohit Shettys SUNDAY lief am Boxoffice gar nicht schlecht, aber der junge Filmemacher meint, dass er noch erfolgreicher hätte sein können. Aber er schiebt die Schuld daran nicht auf das Publikum oder sonst einen Dritten (etwas, das die meisten in Bollywood in so einem Fall zu tun pflegen). Stattdessen stellt er fest, er selbst hätte besser wissen müssen, was das Publikum von dem Film erwartet. "Ehrlich gesagt hat SUNDAY mir die Augen geöffnet. Während der Dreharbeiten haben wir immer an einem totalen Masalafilm gearbeitet - und am Ende ist ein Thriller daraus geworden," gesteht Rohit Shetty ernst. "Einige Leute waren enttäuscht von dem, was sie gesehen haben. Nun, zu der Zeit habe ich das nicht ernst genommen und nicht erkannt, dass ein ziemlicher Teil des Publikums etwas ganz Bestimmtes von mir erwartet." Hat er in der Zeit zwischen SUNDAY und GR etwas gelernt? "Ich bin mir sicher, dass das Publikum von mir einen richtigen Masala-Film erwartet. Also ist es meine Pflicht, den auch abzuliefern. Schließlich kostet ein Ticket nicht mehr nur 20 Rupien. Die Eintrittspreise sind ziemlich hoch, und wenn du, sagen wir mal, 25000 Rupien verdienst, kostet dich ein Familienausflug ins Kino schnell ein Zehntel davon. Ich habe erkannt, dass Abwarten im Filmgeschäft nichts bringt. Du musst einfach an jedem Projekt hart arbeiten. Und das habe ich bei GR getan," schließt Rohit.
The bleak market condition has found its first victim. After losing heavily on Kidnap, Studio 18 has backed out of distributing London Dreams, which they had bought for Rs 120 crore
When Vipul Shah sold his ambitious Salman Khan-Ajay Devgan starrer London Dreams to Studio 18, it was touted as the most expensive film deal.
Reportedly, Studio 18 had bought the worldwide rights for a whopping sum of Rs 120 crore. But the recent market crash has dealt its first blow. Studio 18 has backed out.
An insider said, “Studio 18 suffered a big dent in its pocket due to the box-office failure of Kidnap. Add to this the current market crash and they decided not to venture into anything extravagant at least for the time being.”
When contacted, Studio 18's CEO, Sandeep Bhargava, did not deny the story but said irritatedly. “I am not obliged to give any comments.”
However, Vipul said, “I have just come back from London. If Studio 18 is backing out, they should give it to me in writing. I haven't received any such notice from them, which says that they won't distribute London Dreams.”
However, a source close to Studio 18 said that the deal was never finalised although the two parties were in advanced talks. “Studio 18 will not be distributing London Dreams now.
Although Studio 18 was in talks with Vipul, they had not signed on the dotted line. But, the talks fell through because of the prevailing bleak market conditions.”
London Dreams is one of the most anticipated films. For the first time since Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, Salman and Ajay will share screen space. The story is about two childhood friends, their aspirations, happiness, sorrows and dreams.
I have just come back from London. If Studio 18 is backing out, they should give it to me in writing – Vipul Shah
übersetzt von sylva: Hier geht es darum, dass Studio 18 wohl nicht mehr London Dreams in die Kinos bringen will als Verleiher. Da war ja mal die Rede von 12 cr, die Studio 18 dafür bezahlt haben soll. Durch Kidnap hätten sie aber eine großen Verlust erlitten und deswegen könne man sich LD nicht mehr leisten. Der Regisseur wusste noch nichts davon.
Kareena Kapoor was shell shocked when actor Ajay Devgan lit a cracker bomb and hurled it at her.
No, it did not happen during the days preceding Diwali but on the sets of Rohit Shetty’s comedy film Golmaal Returns which hits the theatres on Wednesday, October 29.
Ajay, being the irrevocable prankster that he is, was up to one mischief or another on the sets. During the shooting in Goa, Ajay found out special kind of atom bombs that people normally burst on Diwali nights. But the bombs that Ajay found were not ordinary crackers. There was something unique about them.
So when Ajay saw Kareena chilling out on the sets of the movie, he showed the dreadful looking bombs to her. She was amused. But then to her utter shock, Ajay lit a bomb and hurled it at her.
A source from the film’s unit says: “Kareena screamed and ran away. Even we were shocked at what Ajay had done. But then it turned out that the special thing about that bomb was that it doesn’t explode. It looks dreadful, but it is a fake.”
Co-stars on the sets had a hearty laugh at Kareena’s expense. Even Bebo took Ajay’s prank sportily. But Devgan was unstoppable. He kept lighting the bombs and throwing them at unsuspecting people on the sets.
‘Golmaal Returns’ has Kareena playing an over-suspicious wife of Ajay Devgan. The movie also has Arshad Warsi , Tusshar Kapoor , Shreyas Talpade , Amrita Arora , Celina Jaitley and Anjana Sukhani .
The film faces competition from Fashion at the theatres on Wednesday.
übersetzt von sylva: Als Kareena bombadiert wurde Kareena war schockiert, als Schauspieler Ajay Devgan einen Kracher anzündete und auf sie warf.
Es war nicht jetzt während der Diwali Feierlichkeiten sondern während der Dreharbeiten von GR, welcher am Mittwoch den 29. Oktober in die Kinos kommt.
Ajay, ein unverbesserlicher Witzbold der er ist, machte einen Unfug nach dem anderen am Set. Während des Drehs in Goa, fand er eine spezielle Art von Feuerwerkskörper, welche die Leute an Diwali abfeuern. Aber die Kracher, die Ajay gefunden hatte, waren keine normalen Kracher. Sie hatten etwas einzigartiges.
Als also Ajay Kareena sah, wie sie sich am Set ausruhte, zeigte er ihr die schrecklich aussehenden Kracher. Sie war amüsiert. Aber dann zu ihrem heilosen Schock, zündete Ajay einen an und warf ihn nach ihr.
Ein Mitglied von der Filmgesellschaft erzählt: "Kareena fing an zu schreien und rannte davon. Auch wir waren geschockt darüber, was Ajay getan hatte. Aber dann stellte sich heraus, dass das spezielle an dem Kracher war, dass er nicht explodierte. Er sah schrecklich aus war aber eine Atrappe."
Die Co-Stars am Set lachten herzlich über Kareenas Erlebnis. Auch Kareena nahm den Streich sportlich. Aber Ajay war nicht zu stoppen. Er zündete weiter Kracher an und warf sie auf die ahnungslosen Leute am Set.
Two of the biggest films of the season are going to clash this Wednesday, 29th Oct.2008. They are Madhur Bhandarkar’s, ‘Fashion’ and Rohit Shetty’s, ‘Golmaal Returns’.
This is truly going to the one of the biggest battles of 2008, where both the troops are equally strong. The Colonels (directors) of both the army are well experienced and are equipped with the best and the latest warfare machineries. Both the parties’ Majors (Ajay Devgan and Priyanka Chopra) have gained tremendous success and are masters in their jobs. The bombs are heavy and highly destructive (Priyanka, Kangana, and Mugdha from one party) and (Kareena, Amrita, Celina, and Anjana from the other party).
Both the films are fully loaded like a revolver when we talk in terms of star cast. On one hand Priyanka Chopra, Kangana and Mugdha Godse lead the regement of Fashion, while on the other hand is the batallion of Golmaal Returns starring Kareena Kapoor, Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Amrita Arora, Shreyas Talpade, Tusshar Kapoor, Celina Jaitely, and Anjana Sukhani.
Let us take a quick flashback of the contribution of both the directors to the Indian Cinema.
Madhur Bhandarkar is also known as the ladies man. In most of his films, Madhur has made the female the main protagonist. This has been seen in four of his films namely Tabu in Chandni Bar, Raveena Tandon in Satta, Konkana Sen Sharma in Page3 and Bipasha Basu in Corporate.
Rohit Shetty has contributed a lot to the Indian Cinema. His Pyaar to Hona hi Tha was very much a suceess. Zameen was the first Indian film to showcast Plane Hijack based on the real life hijack of Indian Airlines IC-814. Shetty also gave comedy its real defination by Sunday, and Golmaal.
Now the two are back, and back with a vengenance. It should be noted that Rohit’s Golmaal Returns is a sequel to his highly acclaimed movie, Golmaal. Rohit has always been keen with having Ajay Devgan as his lead, as he did in most of his films (Pyaar Toh Hona Hi Tha, Zameen, Sunday, Golmaal and now Golmaal Returns). Seems like the guy is quite lucky to have Devgan working for him.
On the other hand is Madhur, who always wants to show the real-life society through his films is back with a mind set to show the bright and the dark side of the Fashion World. He is a ladies man for sure and in his upcoming flick, Fashion, he shows the world of fashion through the eyes of three leads of his movie, namely, Priyanka Chopra, Kangana and Mugdha Godse.
This seems to be no less than a war. A war where both the battalions are highly equipped with all the necessary warfare materials. It is certainly going to be a highly explosive war with loads of destruction from both the parties.
The general mass of people will be ones suffering majorly when The Great Indian Bombs (Priyanka, Kangana, Mugdha, Kareena, Celina, Amrita, Anjana) which are more destructive than the Atomic Bomb of Hiroshma, will fall on the people causing them to die flat in these beauties heart and soul.
The country is certainly going to be in a state of National Emergency on the 29th of Oct.2008.
We will not side anyone. May the best Colonel (director) and his battalion win the battle.
übersetzt von sylva: In diesem Artikel werden die Chancen der beiden Filme aufgezeigt und welche Vor- und Nachteile sie haben in punkto Besetzung und Regisseur. Beiden wird eigentlich ein guter Start am Box-Office zugetraut.
Tuesday 28th October 2008 09.00 IST Boxofficeindia.Com Trade Network
Golmaal Returns looks set to embark on a big start all over. The film is having good advances all over the country. At places the advance booking is like a Shahrukh Khan or Akshay Kumar starrer.
The advance booking is very good in comparison to other movies released this year. The biggest advance this year was for Singh is Kinng followed by Race and Kidnap.
The advance for Golmaal Returns is similar to Race which means below Singh Is Kinng but better than Kidnap. Based on this, the first day business should come in somewhere between 6 and 7 crore nett.
The trials of the most keenly awaited Diwali release, Golmaal Returns, have started in Mumbai.
On Sunday evening, the producers, Shree Ashtavinayak Cinevision, and the worldwide distributors, Indian Films - Studio 18 had an in-house trial, at which the response to the film was absolutely exemplary.
The other big show on Sunday evening was at Fun Republic, which was attended by Ajay Devgan, Kajol, Tusshar Kapoor, Shreyas Talpade, Celina Jaitly, Rohit Shetty, Manish Malhotra and their families. According to sources, the celebrities and their folk were seen laughing and clapping unstoppably, during the myriad comic sequences in the film.
Some days back, a special trial of the film was held for Karisma and Kareena Kapoor, who were joined by the latter's friend, director Lovely Singh (Kya Love Story Hai).
On Monday evening, the entire cast and crew of Golmaal Returns celebrated Diwali with select media in Mumbai. The dress code for the event was Indian.
Ajay Devgan is perhaps one of the most intelligent actors in the business. Instead of insisting on solo lead hero projects, he has ensured that he has worked with almost all the actors of generation next.
Be it Abhishek Bachchan in Yuva and Zameer, Vivek Oberoi, Ritesh Deshmukh and Sharman Joshi in Masti or Tusshar kapoor, Shreyas Talpade and Arshad Warsi in Golmaal Returns ... Ajay has kept the company of young actors and this has kept him young in the minds of the audiences too. Way to go, Ajay
übersetzt von FoxyX: Ajay ist im Herzen jung geblieben Ajay Devgan ist vielleicht einer der intelligentesten Schauspieler im Geschäft. Statt auf Solorollen zu beharren, hat er sichergestellt das er mit fast allen Schauspielern der nächsten Generationen gearbeitet hat. Sei es Abhishek Bachchan in Yuva und Zameer, Vivek Oberoi, Ritesh Deshmukh und Sharman Joshi in "Masti" oder Tusshar Kapoor, Shreyas Talpade und Arshad Warsi in "Golmaal Returns" ... Ajay hat die Gesellschaft von jungen Schauspielern gehalten und das hat ihn jung im Geist gehalten, auch beim Publikum. Gut gemacht, Ajay.
The American funky, youthful brand Ed Hardy is fast becoming B-town's pet casual wear. Many stars have opted for this brand recently not only in personal but also professional lives. Like Katrina Kaif flaunted several Ed Hardy tees and jackets in Singh Is Kinng and Ranbir Kapoor wore an Ed Hardy tee in the very opening shot of Bachna Ae Haseeno. Most recently, the entire Golmaal Returns cast including Kareena Kapoor, Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Tusshar and Shreyas Talpade have been sporting identical hoodies of the same brand.
Salman Khan and Sanjay Dutt both are often spotted in those body-hugging tees. With it's growing popularity, not surprising that Ed Hardy's now opened a store on Mumbai's shores.
Brilliant colours, tattoo culture Partnering with Ed Hardy, the godfather of tattoo to create a new clothing company, French designer Christian Audigier made Ed Hardy one of the hottest brands in America. Ed Hardy is characterised by a mix of strong imagery and brilliant use of colour. Ed Hardy also includes shoes, eyewear, jewelry, watches, loungewear, bags, denim, air freshners, kids' line and energy drinks.
As soon as he landed from his long overseas schedule of Vipul Shah's London Dreams, Ajay Devgan was busy promoting his new flick, Rohit Shetty's Golmaal Returns. Once the film hits the marquee on Wednesday, Ajay will take off with wife Kajol and daughter Nysa to Goa for the Diwali holidays. The Devgans will be in the land of feni and fun for a couple of days to soak in the festive spirit. The actor believes in quality time with family. Good to see such happy families even today in B-Town.
übersetzt von FoxyX: Sobald Ajay gelandet ist von seinem langen Dreh von Vipul Shah's "London Dreams", wird er beschäftigt sein mit der Promotion von seinem neuen Film, Rohit Shetty's "Golmaal Returns". Nachdem der Film am Donnerstag erschienen ist, wird Ajay mit seiner Frau Kajol und Tochter Nysa zu den Diwali-Ferien nach Goa fahren. Sie werden in einem Land sein von Spaß, für einige Tage eintauchen im Festival-Spirit. Der Schauspieler glaubt an die Mußestunden mit Familie. Gut heute solch eine glückliche Familie in B-Town zu sehen .