I have never really been extremely ambitious and haven’t made work my life, but my priorities were different before marriage. Things change when you have someone to go back home too. It gives you a sense of responsibility. And only marriage can give you that; turn boys into men. My life changed completely and for the better post marriage and then further more after Nysa came into our lives. It gives you a sense of rootedness, which I needed to stop myself from getting lost, going completely wayward. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating marriage to everybody. To each his own. But it has just worked out brilliantly for me.
I decided to cut down on my work after Nysa was born because my priority was to get back home and spend time with her, hold her, see her smile and laugh. Now I like to read to here, indulge her and continue to get surprised by her inquisitiveness every single day.
This is something I did for myself, because it gave me a very different joy. This was a blessing for me on the work front too, because I started choosing my projects more carefully and it shows in the quality of films I am now involved with. It also saved me from dealing with health issues as I overworked myself for all these years.
But then Nysa is quite a handful too. Everytime I leave her and go to work or worse, on an outdoor schedule, I feel a sense of irreplaceable loss, because I am missing out on moments of her growing up days. But then I can’t just sit at home, can I? I am so grateful to have Kajol in my life, because she is such a great mom and I hope Nysa takes after her. Kajol fits into my family perfectly, and that was very important to me. She has always treated my family like her own, and even attended award shows when my father was given lifetime achievement awards, although I couldn’t be there. Kajol represents me, my thoughts and my expressions better than me, to be honest. So I don’t mind her being the face of our family.
We have always kept our personal and professional lives separate. So, no, before anyone asks again, I don’t have any problem whatsoever with her working with Shah Rukh. The other day someone asked me if I’d be going on their sets during shooting. Now that’s pushing it a bit tommuch, isn’t it? I don’t go on sets if I am not required to. So why would I do it now? And please don’t read too much into this as well. Just because we are married doesn’t mean I need to embrace her friends and she mine. If that happens well and good, if it doesn’t no sweat. It doesn’t affect our relationship at all. I am not an insecure person, so I am not going to turn into an insecure husband overnight. There have been no problems working with her during U, Me Aur Hum and I don’t see any problems with us working together in the future either. Kajol is the most phenomenal actress ever, and any filmmaker will be delighted to work with her, her husband included.
übersetzt von Bipasha: Nysa und Kajol buchstabieren Glück
Ich bin nie wirklich äußerst ehrgeizig gewesen und habe nicht mein Leben lang gearbeitet, aber meine Prioritäten vor der Ehe waren anders. Dinge ändern sich, wenn Sie jemanden haben, um nach Hause zurück zu kehren. Es gibt Ihnen eine Art Verantwortung. Und nur Ehe kann Ihnen das geben, was Sie von einem Jungen in einen Mann verwandelt. Mein Leben änderte sich nach der Heirat völlig und dann noch mehr, nachdem Nysa in unser Leben trat. Es gibt Ihnen eine Art der Verwurzelung, welche ich brauchte um mich daran zu hindern, verloren zu gehen, völlig unberechenbar zu sein. Verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, ich empfehle Ehe nicht für jeden. jedem das seine. Aber es hat sich für mich geradezu hervorragend gemacht.
Ich entschied mich dafür, meine Arbeit einzuschränken, nachdem Nysa geboren war, weil meine Priorität war, nach Hause zurückzukommen und Zeit mit ihr zu verbringen, sie zu halten, ihr Lächeln und Lachen zu sehen. Ich mag es gern was vorzulesen, verhätschel Sie und bin jeden einzelnen Tag überrascht über ihren Wissensdurst. Das ist etwas, dass ich für mich selbst tat, weil es mir eine andere Heiterkeit gab. Das war ein Segen für mich, auch auf der Arbeitsfront, weil ich anfing, meine Projekte sorgfältiger zu wählen und es sich in der Qualität der Filme, mit denen ich jetzt involviert bin, bemerkbar macht. Es rettete mich auch davor, mich mit Gesundheitsproblemen zu befassen, weil ich mich seit all diesen Jahren überanstrenge. Aber da ist Nysa eine echte Hand voll. Jedes Mal verlasse ich sie und gehe zur Arbeit oder schlechter noch auf eine Außentermin, ich fühle eine Art des unersetzlichen Verlustes, weil ich auf Momente ihres Aufwachsens verzichten muss. Aber ich kann ja nicht nur zu Hause rumsitzen, stimmt's?
Ich bin so dankbar, Kajol in meinem Leben zu haben, weil sie solch eine großartige Mama ist und ich hoffe, dass Nysa nach ihr kommt. Kajol bezieht meine Familie vollkommen mit ein und das war für mich sehr wichtig. Sie hat immer meine Familie wie ihre eigene behandelt, und sogar Award-Shows beigewohnt, als meinem Vater Preise für sein Lebenswerk verliehen wurden, obwohl ich nicht dabei sein konnte. Kajol vertritt mich, meine Gedanken und meine Äußerungen besser als ich, um ehrlich zu sein. So merke ich nicht, dass sie das Oberhaupt unserer Familie ist. Wir haben immer unsere persönlichen und beruflichen Leben getrennt gehalten. Und nein, bevor mich irgendjemand wieder fragt, Ich habe überhaupt kein Problem damit, mit Schah Rukh zu arbeiten. Neulich fragte mich jemand, ob ich auf ihre Sets gehen würde während des Dreh's. Nun das ist ein wenig zu viel, nicht wahr? Ich gehe nicht auf Set's, wenn ich nicht dazu aufgefordert werde. Also warum sollte ich es jetzt tun? Und bitte lesen Sie nicht zu viel daraus. Und nur weil wir verheiratet sind, muss ich ihre Freunde nicht umarmen und sie nicht meine. Wenn das passiert ist es gut, wenn nicht kein Problem. Es tangiert unsere Beziehung überhaupt nicht. Ich bin keine unsichere Person, also bin ich nicht dabei mich über Nacht in eine zu verwandeln. Es hat keine Probleme während U Me Aur Hum gegeben und ich sehe auch keine Probleme bei unserer Zusammenarbeit in Zukunft. Kajol ist die phänomenalste Schauspielerin und jeder Filmemacher wäre erfreut, mit ihr zu arbeiten, ihr Mann eingeschlossen.
Mob gets restless in Bhopal on the shoot of Rajniti, Nana intervenes & pacifies By Subhash K. Jha, February 9, 2009 - 11:11 IST
A major mob situation was triggered off last week during the shooting of Prakash Jha's Rajniti in Bhopal.
If it wasn't for the mass-friendly Nana Patekar's timely intervention, a part of the heavy crowd participating in a political rally scene would've gone out of control.
Says Prakash Jha, "It was a sequence where the ruling party was holding a rally to honour the Chief Minister, a group of activists led by Naseeruddin Shah had to descend on the rally to disrupt it."
A volatile sequence was being shot at the Kotra ground just outside Bhopal city where a massive stage had been erected to shoot the rally. When a part of the crowd went out of control, Prakash, known for his short temper while shooting, screamed at the crowds who apparently protested back in strong words and threatened to stop work.
It was Nana's intervention that saved the day. Says Nana, "I'm a bit upset with Prakash. What's the need to lose your temper? A creative artiste needs to preserve his energy for more valuable things. Unruly crowds are not a problem for me. I'm used to them. Prakash tends to scream at the crowds. But crowds are a congregation of faces. You just need to recognize those faces. Pyar do to sab waapas pyar dete hain."
Grins Prakash, "When I'm shooting I become a different person. Nana was a big help diffuse the tension. He keeps telling me not to scream. Crowd management isn't easy."
Story By: Businessofcinema.com Team updated on: 09/02/09
MUMBAI: Director Rohit Shetty's film which has been titled All the Best is all set to leave for Goa next month.
The first schedule of the film will be almost a month and a half long . According to a source, " We will be shooting in Goa from next month for almost a month to a month and half."
As reported by Businessofcinema.com earlier, the film stars Ajay Devgan, Bipasha Basu, Sanjay Dutt and Fardeen Khan.
When it comes to the project 'Mr. Fraud', the delay and the loss of a couple of crores are not at all bothering the financiers Shri Ashtavinayak Cine Visions.
The film conceptualized by Abbas-Mustan is going to see the day light again after a long break of three years.
'Mr. Fraud' having Sanjay Dutt in the lead role started off and had completed almost 30% when Sanjay got caught up in legal issues leading to the break up of plans.
The producers are now reviving the project as they are very much confident that the flick will click at the box office because of its unique and gripping story.
Now it has been decided that most of the portions which were shot three years back will be shot again as the style of film making has changed and the actors are also looking different now.
'Mr.Fraud' also has Ajay Devgan and Bipasha Basu in the other lead roles.
While Sanjay Dutt was caught in a legal imbroglio, somebody had to pay the price for it. Facing the music for Sanjay Dutt's troubles was the production house, Shree Ashtavinayak Cine Vision.
Shree Ashtavinayak's film Mr. Fraud has been steadily gaining dust in the cans for the past 3 years as Sanjay Dutt faced a legal wrangle for his involvement in 1993 Mumbai serial blasts Case. By the time Sanjay Dutt could extricate himself out of it, Ajay Devgan and Bipasha Basu's dates were blocked by other projects and thus the saga continued.
Finally the dates of everybody involved in the project could be synchronized and now the film will be re-shot.
Abbas-Mastan, the directors of Mr. Fraud, had already shot a song for the film, but now the film will be completely re-shot. The director duo is confident that the producer's loss of about Rs 8 crore could be easily salvaged as the film has a sound script and an entertaining story.
Sanjay Dutt Anniversary Bash Tuesday, February 10th, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan, Ayesha Takia with fiance Farhan Azmi, Vidya Balan, Zayed Khan with wife, Fardeen Khan with wife Natasha, Sophie Chaudhary, Ajay Devgan, Amisha Patel and others at Sanjay Dutt and Manyata Dutt’s 1st anniversary bash, who got married as per Hindu customs on Feb 11, 2008.
In the past one year they have steadily remained in news for both personal and professional reasons. The validity of their court marriage was questioned; Sanjay’s family’s refusal to accept Manyata caused a rift between him and his sisters while Manyata tried to win over his daughter Trishala. Professionally, Sanjay launched his production company and his political career.
Now, the couple is capping their eventful one year of togetherness with a big bash at their home in Mumbai. The preparations for the party were personally supervised by Manyata.
MUMBAI: The Antop Hill police on Tuesday arrested one Monu Singh (22) and his accomplice Sachin Sonawane (23) for allegedly kidnapping six-year-old Prahlad Gupta from near his residence in Sion.
According to the police, about an year ago, Singh had been sacked by Prahlad's father Omprakash Gupta, who owns several jewellery shops. It was then that Singh had plotted revenge, the police added.
Though the boy was rescued from Mumbra on Sunday night, the accused had managed to evade arrest then. Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested Singh from Diva and Sonawane from Dombivli.
A police officer said the accused were inspired by Ajay Devgan-starrer Apaharan, and had been planning the abduction for the past three months. "The accused planned to kill the boy if they had failed in their plans,'' the officer added.
"They demanded a ransom of Rs 30 lakh. They hoped this would help them tide over financial crisis, buy a house and get married,'' said senior inspector Vishnu Deokar of Antop Hill police station.
Singh, who Prahlad was acquainted with, would meet the boy daily while he was playing outside his residence. "Singh would offer the boy chocolates that helped him develop a rapport with the kid,'' said deputy commissioner of police (Zone IV) Sanjay Bhaviskar.
Six police teams, posing as auto and taxi drivers, accompanied Gupta to all the locations where Singh had called him. "The duo called me repeatedly and told us to meet them at various locations in Vikhroli, Bhandup and at Airoli bridge. But there was no sign of them,'' said Gupta.
On Sunday evening, Gupta received another call from the abductors and was allowed to talk with his child. Later, they abused him for not paying the ransom and asked him to reach Bandra at 6.30 pm. However, they kept chainging the venue. The boy was finally found at Mumbra railway station.
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Kidnapper von Devganfilm inspiriert Mumbai. Die Polizei in Antop Hill verhaftete am Dienstag Monu Singh (22) und seinen Komplizen Sachin Sonawane (23) wegen der versuchten Entführung des sechsjährigen Prahlad Gupta aus der Nähe seiner Wohnung in Sion. Der Polizei zufolge wurde Singh vor einem Jahr von Prahlads Vater Omprakash Gupta entlassen, dem mehrere Schmuckläden gehören. Von da ab war Singh auf Rache aus. Obwohl der Junge Sonntagnacht befreit wurde, konnten die Angeklagten zunächst unerkannt entkommen. Aufgrund eines Tipps konnten dann jedoch Singh in Diva und Sonawane in Dombivli festgenommen werden. Ein Polizeisprecher sagte, die Entführer seien von dem Ajay-Devgan-Film APAHARAN angeregt worden und hätten die Tat drei Monate lang geplant: "Die Angeklagten wollten den Jungen töten, falls ihre Pläne fehlgeschlagen wären," fügte er hinzu. "Sie forderten ein Lösegeld von 30 Lakh Rupien, um damit ihre finanziellen Engpässe zu überbrücken, ein Haus zu kaufen und zu heiraten," gab Polizeiinspektor Vishnu Deokar von der Antop-Hill-Polizei bekannt. Singh, den Prahlad kannte, traf den Jungen täglich beim Spielen außerhalb des Hauses. "Singh bot dem Jungen Süßigkeiten an und entwickelte eine Beziehung zu dem Kind," ließ Deputy Commissioner Sanjay Bhaviskar verlauten. Sechs Einsatzgruppen, getarnt als Auto- und Taxifahrer, begleiteten Gupta zu allen Treffpunkten, die Singh nannte. "Das Duo rief mich mehrmals an und wollte mich an verschiedenen Plätzen in Vikhroli, Bhandup und an der Airoli Bridge treffen. Aber sie ließen sich nirgends blicken," erzählte Gupta. Am Sonntagabend erhielt Gupta dann einen weiteren Anruf von den Entführern und konnte mit seinem Kind sprechen. Danach beschimpften sie ihn, weil er immer noch nicht bezahlt hätte, und befahlen ihm, um 18 Uhr 30 in Bandra zu sein. Danach änderten sie den Treffpunkt wieder. Der Junge wurde schließlich im Bahnhof von Mumbra gefunden.
Thursday, February 12, 2009, 10:37 [IST] By: Subhadeep Bhattacharjee
There are rumours that Katrina Kaif will be emulating Congress President Sonia Gandhi in her upcoming movie Rajneeti. The movie directed by Prakash Jha will also see Ranbir Kapoor playing the role of her husband and whose character is be based on Rajiv Gandhi. The shooting of the movie is currently under way in Bhopal.
Prakash Jha however says his movie is a work of fiction and denies it has anything to do with Sonia Gandhi. Jha however accepts that Katrina's looks in the movie has striking resemblance to that of the Congress President. Katrina will play the leader of Jan Shakti Party where she takes charge of the party once her husband is dead. The movie also stars Ajay Devgan, Nana Patekar and Priyanka Chopra.
Tomorrow is Sanjay Dutt and Manyata’s first wedding anniversary. They are having a lavish party at their Pali Hill residence tonight.
Although their wedding ceremony on February 11 last year was a private affair, this year Sanjay Dutt and wife Manyata are certainly in the mood to let everyone be part of their first anniversary celebrations. Tonight, the couple is throwing a lavish party at their Pali Hill residence. Our source close to the Dutts said, “Manyata has brought stability to Sanjay’s life. Sanjay is very happy. He has quite a few films on hand and has also entered politics now. So why shouldn’t he and Manyata enjoy this day to the hilt?”
The guest list for today’s party reads the who’s who of the film industry. “John Abraham-Bipasha Basu, Ajay Devgan-Kajol, Bunty Walia, Zayed Khan-Mallika and many other prominent personalities from the film industry will attend the do. Sanjay and Manyata are taking special care to prepare the guest list and menu. The party will start late tonight and is expected to go on till the early hours of February 11,” said the source. Amar Singh and Shatrughan Sinha too will be present at the anniversary party.
Sanjay’s business manager Dharam Oberoi confirmed the news and said, “Yes, Sanjay and Manyata are having a celebration at their house to bring in their first wedding anniversary.” Last year, after having a court marriage on February 7, Sanjay had tied the knot with Manyata as per Hindu customs on February 11. The rituals had taken place at Manyata’s friend Pradeep’s place at Versova. Only few selected guests from the industry were present during the pheras. Present at the ceremony were Sanjay's close friend Bunty Walia, Dharam Oberoi (CEO, Sanjay Dutt Productions), Suniel Shetty and Arshad Warsi. ha too will be present at the anniversary party.
Sanjay’s business manager Dharam Oberoi confirmed the news and said, “Yes, Sanjay and Manyata are having a celebration at their house to bring in their first wedding anniversary.” Last year, after having a court marriage on February 7, Sanjay had tied the knot with Manyata as per Hindu customs on February 11. The rituals had taken place at Manyata’s friend Pradeep’s place at Versova. Only few selected guests from the industry were present during the pheras. Present at the ceremony were Sanjay's close friend Bunty Walia, Dharam Oberoi (CEO, Sanjay Dutt Productions), Suniel Shetty and Arshad Warsi.
Ekta Kapoor was not there but her former CEO and Maama Ramesh Sippy was there at Manyata and Sanjay Dutt's first wedding anniversary party, sending out a clear signal about the Dutt's affinities and loyalties.
And no, neither of Sanjay Dutts' sisters or brothers-in-law were there. And yes, Sanjay Dutt's new political guru Amar Singh walked in with Abhishek Bachchan and Kunal Kapoor and stayed on for quite a while.
Though the booze flowed like water, Sanjay Dutt didn't touch a drop the whole evening. But yes, he danced…oh yes , he danced with his wife and with some of the other guests. Looking more relaxed than he has in recent months, Sanjay Dutt was determined to make the evening memorable.
The party started at 9.30 pm. And at 4 in the morning, the music was still blaring loudly. Says a guest, "Sanju and Manyata saw off the last guest at around 6 am, and then crashed out. Sanju had to leave for Bangkok late at night on Wednesday. So he planned to sleep it out on Wednesday. Luckily, no hangover because he didn't touch a drop of the booze."
The guest list was choc-a-block, though surprisingly for a wedding-anniversary bash there was a scarcity of spouses. Though Suniel Shetty came with his wife Manya, Ajay Devgan and Dino showed up without Kajol and Lara, respectively.
Shatrughan Sinha's better-half Poonam was missing. But he had brought along his two sons Luv and Kush, both of whom are ready for their big-screen debut. Kirron Kher came minus Anupam and surprisingly Amisha Patel also showed up without her beau Kaanav.
The pretty Neha Oberoi who's Sanjay Dutt's business manager Dharam Oberoi's daughter, was seen being complimented by a lot of the men who came at the party solo. The solo brigade included Kunal Khemu, Riteish Deshmukh, Bunty Walia, Rohit Shettty, Raju Hirani and Vidya Balan.
Karan Johar drove straight from the airport to the Dutts' residence. John Abraham and Bipasha Basu who had consented to come to the party didn't show up. Later Bipasha revealed she was down with a bad throat. John must have been nursing her vocals.
The Dutts's wedding-anniversary party was remarkably free of stress. "No brawl though a lot of booze. No feud though a lot of yummy food. No cops though a lot of incessantly loud music," quipped one of the last guests to leave.
Ajay Devgan seems to be very happy these days. The no-nonsense actor was heard praising co-star Salman Khan and director Vipul Shah of London Dreams as the duo has been extremely professional during the shoot.
Apparently, Ajay dislikes unprofessionalism on the sets - stars who turn up fashionably late, crew taking long to adjust lights; directors who takes ages to shoot a scene. But AD was very happy with Vipul as the filmmaker was systematic and organized, and of course Sallu.
Sallu and Ajay have become close buddies on the sets of this one... here's to a buddy-ya friendship!
übersetzt von soulsurfer: Ajay Devgan scheint dieser Tage ziemlich zufrieden zu sein. Der zielstrebige Schauspieler pries Co-Star Salman Khan und Regisseur Vipul Shah von LD für ihre Professionaliät während der Dreharbeiten. Anscheinend schätzt Ajay unprofessionelles Verhalten während der Dreharbeiten überhaupt nicht - Stars, die viel zu spät erscheinen; eine Crew, die Stunden für das Einleuchten braucht; Regisseure, die ewig an einer Einstellung herumbasteln. Aber offensichtlich war AD mit Vipul ganz glücklich, denn der Filmemacher arbeitete systematisch und war gut vorbereitet. Dasselbe gilt für Sallu. Sallu und Ajay haben sich während der Dreharbeiten angefreundet - ein Hoch auf die Freundschaft!
It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and sometimes Bollywood has taken that to heart and made their versions of some of Hollywood's romantic films. One of the best remakes in my opinion is based on the film Housesitter, that originally starred Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn. A great film, but even better is the Bollywood version Chori Chori starring Ajay Devgan as Ranbir and Rani Mukherji as Khushi. It is not only one of my favorite movies, it also has one of the best and most romantic scenes is all of filmdom.
Khushi and Ranbir have been pretending to be engaged for several reasons, and of course as these things go they fall in love. However, again as these things go, they have had a fight, neither knows the other is in love, and they are standing at the altar ready to exchange the garlands. Khushi asks that he not make her keep on pretending and Ajay (sigh) says one of the most (sigh) romantic lines in the history of romantic lines: Main tumhari liye aaj apne sari khushi laaya hoon aur is badle mein mujhe apne sare dukh de do" (I have bought all my joy and happiness for you and in exchange simply give me all your pain). Then he says, "Will you marry me?" I cry every time and fall in love with him right along with Khushi! Siggh! ...
Ajay and Kajol spreads Valentine cheer amongst the underprivileged kids February 16th, 2009
Ajay and Kajol spent Valentine’s Day spreading cheer and bonhomie amongst underprivileged kids from ‘Smile Foundation’. The kids had specially requested to meet the star couple and as their Valentine treat they were bought to the sets of ‘Toonpur Ka Superhero’ produced by Kumar Mangat and Krishika Lulla and Directed by Kireet Khurana.
Kajol and Ajay spent time interacting with the excited kids and fielded questions on what their favourites were. One kid even performed to Ajay’s favorite song from his film ‘Ishq’! While Kajol had another girl complimenting her on her looks and acting skills and being told that she wanted to grow up to be like Kajol.
The kids gifted roses to the couple and the opportunity to spend time with the two actors seemed to have made the day for these lovely kids. -Sampurn Media
Chhaya Toshniwal Sunday, February 15, 2009 23:59 IST
Hema Malini, Ajay Devgan, Kunal Kapoor, Suresh Oberoi, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Shankar Mahadevan have come together to do their bit for a documentary on global warming that the General Secretary of the BJP Youth Wing for Mumbai, Ameet Satam, has produced. But the best part is that none of the people mentioned above took any money from the producer. A scene from Vasundhara
This documentary that is going to be officially launched on February 17 features Hema Malini, Ajay Devgan, Kunal Kapoor, Vatsal Seth, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the video, while Suresh Oberoi has done the narration. Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy have composed the background music, and the environment anthem has been sung by Shankar Mahadevan. While the initial footage of the nine minute, fifty-seven seconds Hindi documentary Vasundhara has been bought for Rs 80,000 by CNBC, Ameet says, "This documentary has been made within a budget of two lakh. The actors featured in it for free." That apart, this documentary has been endorsed by Al Gore's NGO Climate Project India.
And it seems like everybody is gung-ho about enlightening Indians about the negative effects of global warming. Ameet reveals, "As part of their corporate social responsibility initiative, PVR Cinemas has agreed to showcase the documentary (which I have cut short to three-and-a-half minutes) before a movie. They will screen it across all their cinemas all over the country for a month for free." Even CEO of Colors, Rajesh Kamat, has given his consent to air the entire documentary once on his channel for free.
Hema Malini, Ajay Devgan, Kunal Kapoor u. a. haben eine Dokumentation zur globalen Erwärmung gedreht. Veröffentlicht wird sie am 17. Februar und die Backgroundmusic wurde komponiert von Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy.
Mugdha Godse joins the cast of Rohit Shetty's untitled next which is being produced by Ajay Devgan. The film stars Sanjay Dutt and Fardeen Khan along with Devgan.
As reported ('Bips makes it five'; HiTLIST, February 4) Bipasha Basu was signed opposite Devgan.
First comedy
Mugdha is paired with Fardeen Khan. A source reveals, "Rohit Shetty had liked Mugdha in Fashion and kept her in mind.
When this project rolled, he recommended her name and everyone approved of the choice." This will be Mugdha's first comedy."
The film is based on the Hindi play Uncle Samjha Karo which was staged five years ago in Mumbai and deals with mistaken identities and hilarious goof-ups.
The project is slated to roll in March and will be shot mostly in Goa, a location that Rohit considers lucky as he filmed his Golmaal films there.
Mugdha will also be seen in Madhur Bhandarkar's Jail opposite Neil Nitin Mukesh in a deglam role.
Mugdha Godse wird also bei Ajays nächster Produktion dabei sein. Rohit Shetty mochte ihn in Fashion und es wird Mugha's erster Comedy-Film werden. Der Film basiert auf dem Hindi Spiel Uncle Samjha Karo, der vor fünf Jahren in Mumbai inszeniert wurde und bezieht sich auf Identitätsverwechslungen und urkomischem Patzern. Das Projekt ist für März geplant und wird meist in Goa gedreht, welcher Shetty schon Glück brachte mit GR.